- 9 Sep, 2023
- By chand.v
Donation in kind broadly comprise two types. The first type consist of jewellery, precious stones, chunnies, saries and cholas, which are donated by the devotees after having darshans.
All such offerings viz. ornaments and jewelry offerings are to be deposited in the jewelry boxes kept in the Sanctum Sanctorum. Saries, Cholas, Chunris, etc. are also accepted here. Devotees who wish to offer larger ornaments can also deposit the same at the Office of the Asstt. Chief Executive Officer, Room No.8, Kalika Bhawan at Bhawan or the Office of the Chief Executive Officer, Shri Mata Vaishno Devi Shrine Board, Central Office, Katra. The larger ornaments are preserved and offered at the feet of Holy Goddess on a rotational basis.
The second kind of donations in kind include items of various kinds which are used in large quantities in different developmental and other works. These include civil items like cement, bricks and tiles, electrical items like bulbs, tubes, inverters, catering items like atta, rice, daals of various kinds, refined oil, housekeeping items like blankets, mattresses, beds and bedcovers etc. etc.
Devotees who desire to made donation contributions in kind can do so at any of the Donation counters of Shrine Board. Alternatively, they can send the Donations in kind to the Non-Engineering Stores of Shrine Board located at Banganga or at Vaishnavi Dham, near Railway Station Jammu.
For details about the items that can be donated in kind,
Devotees who desire to made donation contributions in kind can click below links for details :
1). Civil items
3) Crockery
6) Miscellaneous and Sanitation
7) Ration Items
Interested in making Donation contributions towards the Shrine Register as a Donor
For details/specifications please contact Asstt. Manager (Donations) at following address:
Asstt. Manager (Donations), Central Office Katra
Tel. 01991-232167
E-mail amdonation@maavaishnodevi.net, helpdesk@maavaishnodevi.org