- 9 Sep, 2023
- By chand.v
Offerings and donations are the mainstay of the income of the Shrine Board. The donations offered by the pilgrims are utilized for the creation of infrastructural facilities for the visiting pilgrims as well as for general upkeep and maintenance of the Holy Shrine. The Board does not receive any significant financial assistance from the State or Central governments. Therefore, most of the facilities created for the benefit of the pilgrims have been created through the central pool of donations.
In addition to the central pool of donations (which is nothing but the sum total of all donations and offerings received in a year) there are also specific donation and poojan schemes in which devotees can participate directly. These have been formulated based on suggestions received from pilgrims and devotees from time to time. Most of these pertain to the creation of infrastructural and other facilities like Yatri Sarais, Shelter Sheds and other welfare activities.
Would you like the Board to carry out some specific development work ? Suggest please.
Would you like to know more about Donations to the Shrine. For details on Donations Click Here .
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